Sakae Nelson
I have studied, trained, qualified and experienced benefits of massage, crystal healing, spiritual healing, meditation and Bach flower remedies. I offer these beautiful therapies to help people to feel lighter, stronger, content, relax or whole.
I was born in Tokyo Japan, came to London in 1991.
My journey started when my lovely mother in law took me to a Mind, Body and Spirit event in 1996. At the event, massage caught my attention.
I became a massage practitioner in 1997. I learnt different types of massage techniques.
I took up Yoga instructed by Japanese Qigong healer, Mr Isau Mochizuki in North London. He introduces me to feel our energy. I wanted to know more about life force, energy.
I searched for the right teacher. I found the Vibrational healing foundation and met my teacher Henriette Maasadijk. I trained as a spiritual and crystal healer with Henriette in 2012. Ever since, I have been working on myself and deepening my knowledge on healing. Additionally I have done further 2 years of advanced Crystal and energy healing training and a teacher training course.
I became attracted to massage, yoga, spiritual healing and Bach flower remedies because I was suffering. I felt pain in my heart and body. I strongly felt I need to change something in me. That feeling led me to what I do now.